Top 8 Reasons to Use Precast for Residential Builds

Top 8 Reasons to Use Precast for Residential Builds

The construction industry is growing and evolving rapidly. In Canada, for instance, it is forecasted that by 2024, the industry will experience a compound growth rate of 8.5 %. One of the ways this growth can be realized is by moving away from the traditional building materials such as brick and wood and embracing other materials like precast concrete. Canada is a step closer to achieving this projected growth since there has been an increase in the demand for precast products in different designs and dimensions. Using precast for residential properties is not a new idea; it has been seen since 1982 when the first ribbed panel system for precast concrete homes was first proposed. In the 1990s, precast concrete housing projects generated even more attention, ensuring that it was a viable option for residential construction.
You might be asking yourself, why precast concrete? Below are some reasons you should consider using precast concrete to build residential homes.

1. It Is Aesthetically Versatile

This is made possible by the fact that it can be moulded into a wide range of beautiful shapes and sizes, thus providing enough room for flexibility at the architectural design stage. Unlike other materials such as stone or brick, when using precast, you have the opportunity of incorporating different textures and colours. You can also tinker with the design to come up with an aesthetically appealing masterpiece. Allow your creative juices to flow as the only thing that can inhibit you when using precast is your creativity.

2. Precast Concrete Is Fireproof

It is not uncommon for a fire to break out. This could be through an act of arson or by sheer bad luck. Using precast to construct your residential space is the first caution you should take to shield both you and your home from accidental and intentional fires. Precast concrete has fireproof properties that make it hard to catch fire. It prevents fire from spreading if one breaks out.

3. Precast Is Durable

When build a residential home, you want a structure that can withstand the wrath of mother-nature and other harmful elements. So, what better construction material to use than precast? It is superior to other building materials since it has properties that make it resistant to storms, wind or earthquakes. The fact that it is impenetrable means it’s immune to acid attacks or corrosion. The result is a structure that requires minimal to no maintenance costs.
Further, precast connection methods used in the precast industry bring continuity to the foundation wall system, transferring loads from one unit to the other and resisting uneven settlement, which is highly advantageous.

4. Precast Is Thermal-friendly

This is yet another unique feature you get from using precast. It does not only ensure that you keep warm during the winter season and cool during summer, but it also guarantees savings. If alternative materials are used, the alternate summer and winter seasons can be quite expensive in terms of regulating indoor temperatures. The thermal-friendly feature of precast concrete is attributed to its density. This factor alone prevents outdoor heat from getting in, and vice versa.

5. Precast Has Noise Reduction Properties

Precast concrete’s density is the reason for this noise reduction feature. Compared to other concrete options, precast has a higher density. If the home you are building is near a busy highway, or in a noisy environment, precast concrete is just the perfect material to use. By choosing it, you will find yourself with enough time to catch up on a movie or hold a private conversation without interference from outside.

6. Precast Keeps Pests Out

Globally, there is quite a significant number of homes that are struggling with termites, rats or mice. Using precast concrete to construct your home is one way you can protect your home against these nuisances. Other building materials are literally food for pests. Take, for example, wood, which is food for termites. Besides, precast is inorganic and hence does not provide favourable conditions for pests to thrive.

7. Precast Is Wi-Fi-friendly

With the demand to stay connected and informed on what is happening globally, having Wi-Fi at home has become a must-have feature. As people stay at home and keep physical distance courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to Wi-Fi is now critical. Using precast to concrete to construct your home ensures seamless streaming. This is because Wi-Fi, radio and other signals travel easily through precast concrete.

8. Precast Ensures Speedy and Cost-Effective Construction

Precast minimizes delays that are sometimes inevitable  and increase costs during construction. The initial cost of a precast concrete foundation is estimated to be 10 to 15% higher than cast in place concrete foundations. However, the economic benefits of precast are realized through the reduction of construction time and in productivity improvements.
This is because there can be more than one construction activity going on at the same time. For example, there could be earthworks going on, and at the same time, casting is taking place in a factory elsewhere. Another added advantage of precast is that quality is guaranteed since there are standards to be met by the casting factories.
Whether you are constructing a residential or industrial building, you may want to consider using precast concrete. The advantages of doing so are numerous, as itemized above. Besides its durability and ability to withstand the elements and fire outbreaks, precast is simply beautiful to behold. There are architectural marvels all over the world that showcase the beauty and sheer majesty of precast concrete. This is something to think about before starting your next construction project.

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